We had soccer stuff going on so I missed it too. I've heard some of the sound bites, but am waiting for John Stewart's debate rundown version hopefully tonight. I heard Obama did good, and Romney was condescending to women. Surprise. Surprise.
I thought he was rude, condescending, and had absolutely no respect for anybody. He thinks he knows everything about everything or something.
We didn't watch all of the debate (it was torture to see somebody be so awful to everyone around him), but what I saw really left a bad taste in my mouth. It really left me upset the rest of the night- which is why I just had to say SOMEWHERE what I was thinking.
I missed it. What happened?
We had soccer stuff going on so I missed it too. I've heard some of the sound bites, but am waiting for John Stewart's debate rundown version hopefully tonight. I heard Obama did good, and Romney was condescending to women. Surprise. Surprise.
I thought he was rude, condescending, and had absolutely no respect for anybody. He thinks he knows everything about everything or something.
We didn't watch all of the debate (it was torture to see somebody be so awful to everyone around him), but what I saw really left a bad taste in my mouth. It really left me upset the rest of the night- which is why I just had to say SOMEWHERE what I was thinking.
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