Sunday, August 8, 2010

Thanks For Nothing- Again

Once again, it's politics as usual in Washington.
A popular small business bill, basically written by Republicans and loved by small business owners, was shot down by....
The Republicans!
Even though they wrote the dang bill, not ONE Republican voted for it- NOT ONE!
It had bi-partisan support, with Democrats sitting down and listening to the Republicans, and what do they get for it???
Give me a break, Republicans! You can't blame "not having a say" on this one! Obama has repeatedly tried to extend the olive branch out to you guys, has consistently tried to reach across party lines, and what do you do????? -
How does this make any sense?
"As a result, Republicans robbed Democrats of an election-year legislative victory until at least September, even though it meant unanimously opposing a bill they helped write and which had wide support in the business community. "
Wow. Thanks for hurting small businesses, hurting the economy, and hurting Americans just so you can play your political mindgames.
It makes me sick.
**For the full article, click here.
***For the record, I believe that until these rediculous games are done being played, this country will NEVER solve the problems we are currently faced with. Politicians need to get off their high horse of only looking after their parties' best interest, and instead look at America's best interest!

1 comment:

L said...

Same ole same ole.. I try not to watch the news much anymore.